Elsa Sibuet

Graduated with a Bachelor in interior design from a French Higher School of Applied Arts Condé, Elsa Sibuet has capitalized for almost 10 years various experiences in architects studios between Megève, her hometown, Rio de Janeiro , for 3 years and finally in Lisbon, where she lives and works since 2019.

Coming from a renowned hoteliers family, Elsa Sibuet has cultivated a passion for interior design since a very young age. The diversity of her family’s luxury hotels has allowed her to evolve in atmospheres as diverse as they are varied, always considering the history of the place and the codes associated with it.

From France to Portugal via Brazil, she has carried on experiences and encounters. Professionals in the construction and decoration industrie gave her all their secrets, allowing her to sharpen her skills which she puts into practice daily in her projects.

AstesiBlue agency, which is none other than the anagram of Elsa Sibuet, masters Beauty in all its forms. She can takes charge of your renovation project whether you are an individual or a professional; from the restructuring of the space to the artworks.

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